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In this century, we have newer computers and sites that allow us to connect with each other even with people who are far away. Due to this technology and social media, we have a freedom of who we can talk to and how we can do it. In a Teen's point of view, we use these websites to talk and become more social. There is an absolute variety of websites out there; Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. So we as kids and Teens use these websites to share information with the world.

Even taught as children to not reveal such information, we do so anyway because we feel the need to share everything we do in the world to have attention. Twitter, a site used to share absolutely everything with anyone, is used by mostly Teens and celebrities as a social media channel. It's a good way to keep up with someone famous that you really adore. Most Teens now start "Twitter Fights", a form of cyber bullying that cannot be stopped no matter how hard you try and other than that conflicted Teens just like to share countless random things of what they do during the day.

Facebook, a site that almost everyone uses to communicate is used by several Teens now. It is a way for us to communicate with one another. We share pictures, videos, status updates and so much more. Unlike adults, we do not add people we know or use this site for business as a social media venue. We like to add random people and talk to them, maybe even give out personal information. I guess it's just for the fact that you want to have a vast amount of friends on your friend list to show everyone you are "Popular" or you just have no friends and would like to have the feeling that you can talk to someone who is a real stranger hidden by a screen.

Tumblr, a blogging website that can be seen by anyone and is mostly used by Teens. Unlike a blog spot, you have the power to re-blog pictures, text posts, songs, videos, and you can share with the world your own ideas and with the click of a button you are able to share with the world your actual thoughts. I feel that Us Kids take advantage of these websites to meet their own needs and in this so much more bullying is happening and it is very hard to prevent it. Teens like to be hidden behind a computer screen to share things they could never share to the world in person. We like the attention, we seek the attention. We do not use these websites for actual purposes but only to communicate with one another in either nice ways or horrible ways. Soon enough, technology will flutter more with the ideas of new futuristic studies, allowing our generations to have more than we have now. All websites in my opinion for the majority with Teens are used improperly and that may never change. An addiction to the internet will continue to rise and flutter in the next few years with the way things are going now. This is just a Teens point of view on social media, websites are just a game, a game that is very addicting and we will never get tired of it.

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