Sensa Comparison Review Plus Shocking Facts About Popular Diet Aids8977972: Difference between revisions

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At first glance, Sensa appears to be a revolutionary weight loss dietary supplement. This diet plan is simple, just sprinkle spices on your my favorite foods and expect weight loss. I have to say I am all for being able to eat whatever I want and still lose weight.

Fortunately, the skeptic in me needed more evidence that this could really work. I have to say, I had to really dig deep beyond many of the marketing style diet reviews I found online. What I found really wasn't shocking facts as I learned a long time ago that there simply is not a magic weight loss product available no matter what weight loss claims they make.

I decided to compare Sensa to other dietary products that claim they can help you lose weight quickly. Do any of these diet aids work? I do believe that many of these weight loss products do have diet features that can produce results; however, I also believe that it takes a healthy diet and exercise to truly make a weight loss system work.

Sensa Details

Dr. Alan Hirsch created these all natural food flakes to be sprinkled onto the foods you already eat to help in controlling your appetite and hunger cravings. They trick your brain into thinking you are full, so you will not eat as much.

The food flakes are designed to enhance the flavor; therefore, there are a number of different sweet and savory flavors to choose. Some of the sweet flavors include: cocoa, spearmint, malt, raspberry, and strawberry banana. Some of the savory flavors include: onion, ranch dressing, taco, Parmesan cheese, horseradish, and cheddar cheese. These are all popular flavorings made from maltodextrin, tricalcium phosphate, silica, and flavorings.

Why am I not ordering at this very moment? What more could I possibly want then to be able to enhance the flavors of my favorite foods and still lose weight? It could be the fact that I am not sure that I trust the company.

The company states that it is clinically proven. It conducted a study involving 1,436 people for a period of six months. The sprinkle diet was given to 1,336 people, while 100 people were given fake sprinkles. Those 100 people only lost approximately 2 pounds, while those that took the real dietary supplement has an average weight loss of 30 ½ pounds.

This would appear to be valid; however, Dr. Hirsch states in an August 1, 2008 ABC news article that the Endocrine Society approved this clinical study. In this article, the Endocrine Society denies reviewing the study. They do acknowledge inviting him to present the study for debate, but it was not discussed at this particular time.

This was a red flag for me and prompted me to look even farther. While I did find many positive diet reviews, I also found many negative experiences with this dietary supplement, as well. However, the side effects reported were not serious, nor life-threatening.

Possible side effects reported were diarrhea and upset stomach. The majority of the complaints basically were centered around the fact that this particular weight loss product did not make them feel full. If it did actually work for a little while, it stopped working after a short period of time making it ineffective.

Sensa vs. Alli

Where Sensa is all natural, Alli is not. In fact, its main ingredient is a well known prescription weight loss drug, Orlistat. Alli works differently than Sensa in that it is designed to reduce the absorption of fat and blocks up to 25 percent of the fat consumed.

These weight loss capsules may produce more severe possible side effects if you have a medical condition or are on any medications. One thing that was interesting to me is that it is approved by the FDA, which does not generally happen with weight loss supplements.

Sensa vs. Lipozene

Lipozene, like Sensa, does not have any fat burning ingredients. It is more similar to Sensa in that it has ingredients that make you feel full so you do not eat as much. It's main ingredient is glucomannan, an all natural ingredient harvested from Konjac Root. It is basically a fiber diet supplement.

Don't be fooled by the low price. You can purchase 30 capsules at $29.95. This only covers you for approximately 5 days, as it is suggested you take six capsules per day! There were complaints for deceptive billing practices. Lipozene has an auto-ship policy automatically billing your credit card and shipping out product. There were many complaints that the company continued to bill, even after the customer canceled.

This in itself is misleading; however, I was also surprised with some other shocking facts about the manufacturer, Obesity Research Institute, LLC. Apparently, the Federal Trade Commission fined this manufacturer 1.5 million dollars in 2005 for making false claims that were not proven and misleading, which is a violation of federal laws. It appears that both manufacturers for Sensa and Lipozene have credibility issues.

Sensa vs. SlimQuick

The biggest difference in these two is that SlimQuick is a fat burner designed specifically for women, where Sensa can benefit both men and women. According to SlimQuick Laboratories, their product has been created with the differences of men in women in mind by addressing hormone changes, water retention, energy reduction, and everyday stress.

Will this weight loss formula really help women lose weight? According to the Mayo Clinic, this diet supplement will only work in conjunction with other weight loss efforts, such as a healthy low-calorie diet and exercise. It does contain thermogenics to help increase your metabolism, which is essential for weight loss, as well as many powerful vitamins and other synthetic and all natural nutrition weight loss ingredients.

The reviews on this product are conflicting. When comparing to Sensa, it appears these two have similar results from consumers in that it works for some and not for others. While this is the case, SlimQuick does have more ingredients that actually address issues for weight loss, such as metabolism and fat burning.

Sensa vs. ViSalus

Where Sensa is a very simple weight loss program, ViSalus is a complex and complete system with many different dietary products and tools designed to burn fat, boost metabolism, and curb hunger. There are protein shakes, energy drinks, and nutritional supplements available in the program. This system is to be used in conjunction with a healthy low-calorie diet and exercise.

At first glance, this would appear to be an excellent system. It has worked for many consumers. However, if you are one that is trying to stay away from processed foods, this system will not be for you. It is not an all natural product, while Sensa is all natural.

Sensa vs. Liquid HCG Diet

The HCG diet is supposed to work by burning fat; however, there are no clinical trials to prove this theory. There are definitely people claiming to lose weight with this product. This is likely due to the fact that you will only be consuming 500 calories at the most. HCG oral drops can help boost your weight loss.

This alone is not healthy and can actually be life-threatening. While you may be losing weight on this extremely low calorie diet, it is likely you are losing muscle rather than fat. In my opinion, this is the worst product on this list and should be avoided.

Bottom Line

So, which one is the best for healthy weight loss? While they are all very popular diet supplements, the shocking facts I learned were surprising and made me take a step back to look at my actual goals. While I do want to lose weight, I also want to be healthier.

Personally, anything that does not contain natural ingredients is going to be eliminated automatically, which includes Alli and ViSalus. I am not a fan of the Liquid HCG Diet. In fact, I feel it is a dangerous and unhealthy path to take for weight loss.

While Sensa and Lipozene do have questionable manufacturers, they are all natural and do not appear to have many serious side effects. It appears that the reviews are equally conflicting stating that they work for some people and not for others. Every person is different. It is likely you will need to try it in order to determine if it will work for you. However, Lipozene appears to be much more expensive than Sensa.

At this point in time, I am leaning towards SlimQuick. It is designed specifically for women and contains effective natural ingredients. However, SlimQuick is obviously not going to work for men. It is possible Sensa could work for you. If money isn't an issue, then Lipozene is a possibility. If processed foods are not a concern, then ViSalus and Alli have seen some favorable results.

It really all depends on your personal preferences. I am a firm believer that diet aids work best in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. Regardless of which dietary supplement you choose, be prepared to implement some serious lifestyle changes. I believe this is essential in order to attain weight loss success and ultimate health.

Sources: 1. 2. 3.

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