Tutorial/Login System: Difference between revisions

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This tutorial will teach you how to setup a login system for your computer.

Start by editing the startup file

-- Login System
-- Written by Brainless243
-- Posted to The Tekkit Wiki on 10/24/2012

term.setCursorPos(1, 1)

username = {"user1", "user2", "user3"}  -- Here you need to define all usernames avaible
password = {"pass1", "pass2", "pass3"}  -- Here you define what password each user has, remember to put user1's password in the first row and so on.

write("Username: ")
user = read()

write("Password: ")
pass = read()

for i=1, #username do
 if user == username[i] then
  if pass == password[i] then
   access = true

if access == true then
print("Logging in...")
print("Welcome "..user)
print("Incorrect username and password combination")

And thats it. If you want to make the program un-terminateable then put this as the first line in the program

os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

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